As you all know MAAC has 2 different sections MAAC (Airgun Section) and the MAAC -A (Airsoft section) both sections are independent but united under MAAC. MAAC will be adding up a new section to its structure this will be the MAAC Paintball Section. This will be a recreational section for breaking away from competitive shooting and training, and who like a stronger punch :) .
MAAC PBS will start as a sub section within MAAC with its own organization like MAAC - A. The idea is to form teams within the section and play PB against already existing but non organized teams that already exist in Malta at local PB fields. MAAC members will have the benefit due to TS-B license to own their own equipment which is far superior and more personal then rental equipment.
Anyone interested please e-mail me on this subject at
soon we will have some examples of military style PB markers available for you to see, gone are the days where PB markes look like spray guns !. So this sparks some new interest.
For the time being a group of people will be working on a set of regulations and safety rules that will govern MAAC PBS games. Any ideas are welcome.