Despite near gale force winds the 1st MAAC Open BR for the 2009-2010 season turned out to be a great match. 15 Shooters struggled with the wind brute force that literary wanted to make a havoc out of VSR today. As expected today the scores were not that high but still decent considering the conditions, the worst ever since we started benchrest in 2008.
Top 5 PCP under 15ftlbs Class
1st Kris Debattista 218-2X
2nd David Giardina 218-0X
3rd Eric Camilleri 215-1X
4th Wayne Galea 202-0X
5th Stanley Shaw 119-2X
Top 5 PCP over 15ftlbs Class
1st Ruth Gauci 212-0X
2nd Dr. Mario Spiteri 209-1X
3rd Nazzareno Scorfna 208-0X
4th Eric Camilleri 203-1X
5th Kris Debattista 201-3X
Top 5 Springer Class
1st Wayne Galea 232-3X
2nd James Bugeja 224-0X
3rd David Giardina 220-0X
4th Stanley Shaw 214-3X
5th Eric Camilleri 211-0X
Top X Shooter award in PCP under 15 ftlbs Class.
Stanley Shaw
Top X Shooter award in PCP over 15ftlbs Class.
Kris Debattista
Top X Shooter award in Springer Class
Stanley Shaw
* Top X is given to the shooter with the highest number of X. If more then one shooter have the same number of X the first who scored the X targert number will be selected if this is the same target number then the next and so on.