Date Shooting Dicipline Time
6th October 2013 Field Target 8:30 AM
20th October 2013 Bench Rest 8:30 AM
3rd November 2013 Field Target 8:30 AM
17th November 2013 Hunter Field Target 8:30 AM
1st December 2013 Field Target 8:30 AM
13th December 2013 Puttinu fund raising at Hal Far
15th December 2013 Bench Rest 8:30 AM
5th January 2014 Field Target 8:30 AM
19th January 2014 Hunter Field Target 8:30 AM
2nd February 2014 Field Target 8:30 AM
16th February 2014 Bench Rest 8:30 AM
2nd March 2014 Field Target 8:30 AM
16th March 2014 Hunter Field Target 8:30 AM
30th March, 2014 Field Target 8:30 AM
13th April 2014 Bench Rest 8:30 AM
27th April 2014 Hunter Field Target 8:30 AM
17th 18th May 2014 Field Target Nationals 8:00 AM
25th May 2014 Bench Rest 8:30 AM
Field Target League = Best 5 scores out of 7 + Nationals
Bench Rest League = Best 3 scores out of 5
Hunter Field Target League = Best 3 scores out of 4
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Thursday, October 18, 2012
MAAC FT Competition procedures
MAAC Bench Rest Competition procedures
3 Categories: under 12 ftpds PCP, under 12 ftpds Springer and Open.
Springer under 12 ftpds will be shot at 15 meters.
PCP under 12 ftpds will be shot at 25 meters.
Open will be shot at 40 meters.
PCP under 12 ftpds 2 target sheets per shooter, other categories 1 target sheet per shooter.
1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes for each category.
No Nationals will be held and no league.
Rifles under 12 ftpds are subject to chroning before and during the competition.
Competition starts 8:30 am sharp.
MAAC HFT Competition procedures
We will follow UKAHFT rules.
1 Category, rifles max 12 ftpds. Power.
No Nationals will be held and no league.
Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd for each competition.
Competition starts 8:30 am sharp.
4 shooters will benefit from the total sum which will be divided as fo
Points added of best 4 FT competitions + Nationals.
Top llows.
MAAC FT competitions will follow the WFTF core rules.
Domenic and Gordon are in charge of range setup (others please give a hand).
All targets are painted yellow with black kill zone.
25 lanes with 2 target each, a total of 50 shots.
4 lanes must be positional (2 kneeling and 2 standing a total of 8 targets), all others free style.
All rifles must be under 12ftpds and .45mm caliber only.
3 minutes per lane, time starts before you sit down.
Competition fee is €5.00 per rifle, Nationals €10.
Competition starts 8:30 am sharp.
MAAC Bench Rest Competition procedures
MAAC HFT Competition procedures
KMS support (if any), for Germany worlds 2013.
1st place will get 35%
2nd place will get 30%
3rd place will get 20%
4th place will get 15%
Each shooter must declare that the rifle used in local competitions must be the same rifle he or she will use in Germany worlds if he or she places in the top 4.
In the case of springer shooters, since we do not have enough shooters to create a separate division, springers will compete together with PCP’s but will be given a grace of +15% on the score of each competition to compensate the rifle disadvantage.
Shooter must at least attend 4 competitions plus nationals to be entitled to benefit from KMS support.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Course Design - MAAC Rules.
To make it more clear to all.
The number of reducers to be used on League Matches must not exceed 55% of the number of targets.
We are using 15 lanes each containing 2 targets. The first round is 30 targets then we shoot lanes 1 till 10 for the extra 20 targets to complete 50 targets.
55% is 28 targets hence we need to have at least 1 reducer target per lane that will amount to 25 reduced targets which is within specification.
For nationals can have up to 70% reduced targets that is equivalent to 35 targets.
Now for reducer sizes.
30mm up to 40 meters - Free style targets
20mm up to 30 meters - Free style targets
15mm up to 20 meters - Free style targets
20mm up to 20 meters - for Standing and Kneeling
30mm up to 30 meters - for Standing and Kneeling
Positional Targets can be up to 40 meters.
Beyond 40 meters all targets must be 40mm for free style.
Beyond 30 meters all positional targets up to 40 meters must be 40mm.
The number of positional shots (standing or kneeling) must not exceed 20% which is 10 targets for a league competition. For nationals and international events this can go up to 30% or 15 targets.
Example how to set up with 15 targets for a course of 50 targets.
Lane 1
1 - Positional - Reducer 20mm - Range up to 20m
2- Free style - 40mm - Range beyond 40m
Lane 2
3 - Free style - Reducer 30mm - Range up to 40m
4 - Positional - 40 mm - Range between 30 and 40m
Lane 3
5 - Free Style - Reducer 15mm - Range up to 20m
6 - Positional - Reducer 30mm - Range up to 30m
Lane 4
7- Free Style - 40mm - Range beyond 40m
8- Positional - Reducer 20mm - Range up to 20m
Lane 5
9 - Positional - 40mm - Range between 30 and 40m
10 - Free Style - Reducer 15mm - Range till 20m
Lane 6
11 -Free Style - Reducer 20mm - Range till 30m
12- Free Style - 40mm - Range between 40 and 50m
Lane 7
13 - Free Style -Reducer 30mm - Range till 40m
14 - Free Style - 40mm - Range till 50m
Lane 8
15 - Free Style - Reducer 30 - Range till 40m
16 - Free Style - 40mm - Range till 50m
Lane 9
17 - Free Style - 40mm - Range till 50m
18 - Free Style - Reducer 15mm - Range till 20m
Lane 10
19 - Free Style -Reducer 30mm - Range till 40m
20 - Free Style - 40mm - Range beyond 40m
Lane 11
21 - Free Style - 40mm - Range beyond 40m
22- Free Style -Reducer 30mm - Range till 40m
Lane 12
23 -Free Style - Reducer 20mm - Range till 30m
24 - Free Style- 40mm - Range till 50m
Lane 13
25 - Free Style - 40mm - Range between 40 and 50m
26 - Free Style -Reducer 30mm - Range till 40m
Lane 14
27 - Free Style - Reducer 20mm - Range till 30m
28 - Free Style - 40mm - Range till 50m
Lane 15
29 - Free Style - Reducer 15mm - Range till 20m
30 - Free Style- 40mm - Range till 50m
Hence in round 1 you will shoot lanes 1 to 15 total 30 targets out of which
16 are reduced (since lane 3 both are reduced) - 5 are positional -
In round 2 you shoot lanes 1 till 10 for total of 20 targets out of which
11 are reduced - 5 are positional.
This amounts to 27 Reduced (in spec) and 10 positional (in spec) out of 50 targets.
Hope this is clear.
Download the MAAC FT Regulations Version 2 _ 2011
The number of reducers to be used on League Matches must not exceed 55% of the number of targets.
We are using 15 lanes each containing 2 targets. The first round is 30 targets then we shoot lanes 1 till 10 for the extra 20 targets to complete 50 targets.
55% is 28 targets hence we need to have at least 1 reducer target per lane that will amount to 25 reduced targets which is within specification.
For nationals can have up to 70% reduced targets that is equivalent to 35 targets.
Now for reducer sizes.
30mm up to 40 meters - Free style targets
20mm up to 30 meters - Free style targets
15mm up to 20 meters - Free style targets
20mm up to 20 meters - for Standing and Kneeling
30mm up to 30 meters - for Standing and Kneeling
Positional Targets can be up to 40 meters.
Beyond 40 meters all targets must be 40mm for free style.
Beyond 30 meters all positional targets up to 40 meters must be 40mm.
The number of positional shots (standing or kneeling) must not exceed 20% which is 10 targets for a league competition. For nationals and international events this can go up to 30% or 15 targets.
Example how to set up with 15 targets for a course of 50 targets.
Lane 1
1 - Positional - Reducer 20mm - Range up to 20m
2- Free style - 40mm - Range beyond 40m
Lane 2
3 - Free style - Reducer 30mm - Range up to 40m
4 - Positional - 40 mm - Range between 30 and 40m
Lane 3
5 - Free Style - Reducer 15mm - Range up to 20m
6 - Positional - Reducer 30mm - Range up to 30m
Lane 4
7- Free Style - 40mm - Range beyond 40m
8- Positional - Reducer 20mm - Range up to 20m
Lane 5
9 - Positional - 40mm - Range between 30 and 40m
10 - Free Style - Reducer 15mm - Range till 20m
Lane 6
11 -Free Style - Reducer 20mm - Range till 30m
12- Free Style - 40mm - Range between 40 and 50m
Lane 7
13 - Free Style -Reducer 30mm - Range till 40m
14 - Free Style - 40mm - Range till 50m
Lane 8
15 - Free Style - Reducer 30 - Range till 40m
16 - Free Style - 40mm - Range till 50m
Lane 9
17 - Free Style - 40mm - Range till 50m
18 - Free Style - Reducer 15mm - Range till 20m
Lane 10
19 - Free Style -Reducer 30mm - Range till 40m
20 - Free Style - 40mm - Range beyond 40m
Lane 11
21 - Free Style - 40mm - Range beyond 40m
22- Free Style -Reducer 30mm - Range till 40m
Lane 12
23 -Free Style - Reducer 20mm - Range till 30m
24 - Free Style- 40mm - Range till 50m
Lane 13
25 - Free Style - 40mm - Range between 40 and 50m
26 - Free Style -Reducer 30mm - Range till 40m
Lane 14
27 - Free Style - Reducer 20mm - Range till 30m
28 - Free Style - 40mm - Range till 50m
Lane 15
29 - Free Style - Reducer 15mm - Range till 20m
30 - Free Style- 40mm - Range till 50m
Hence in round 1 you will shoot lanes 1 to 15 total 30 targets out of which
16 are reduced (since lane 3 both are reduced) - 5 are positional -
In round 2 you shoot lanes 1 till 10 for total of 20 targets out of which
11 are reduced - 5 are positional.
This amounts to 27 Reduced (in spec) and 10 positional (in spec) out of 50 targets.
Hope this is clear.
Download the MAAC FT Regulations Version 2 _ 2011
Friday, August 5, 2011
2011-2012 Field Target Season.
This next FT season will see some changes and will be conducted according to the NEW MAAC FT Core Rules that was just finalized this week. MAAC FT Core Rules
The season will be composed of MAAC FT league and MAAC FT Nationals.
League Matches.
There will be a number of FT Competitions (6+) as part of the league series.
Each Match will be logged and each competitor score will be recorded. The best 6 scores will be added to decide the 2011-2012 league winner on the last Match. This is to give every one the possibility to participate even if cannot attend all the Matches.
For each match the competitor will also be graded and an average grade will be automatically settled upon 6 matches irrespective of the number of matches the shooter attended.
The gradings are as follows :
Grade A shooters 80% Plus
Grade B shooters 70 - 79 %
Grade C shooter 60 - 69%
Grade D shooter up to 59%
Grading is required to promote better this sport and give chance to every one.
Because if the number of entries to a competition are adequate then prices can be set for grades and classes. Each Competition will have 2 standard classes PCP and Spring, other classes can be included.
The Nationals will be the peak of the MAAC FT season, this will be set on 2 or 3 matches that can be done in separate weekends. For one to qualify for the Malta team 2012, he/she must have at least took part in 3 league matches during the year. Others who did not participate this minimum may participate but only for the price and not the Malta Team Colors. The National Scores plus the best 3 scores from the League will be added for the TOP 5 Ranking irrespective of entry class.
The season competition schedule will be published in September and competitions will start in October 2011.
The season will be composed of MAAC FT league and MAAC FT Nationals.
League Matches.
There will be a number of FT Competitions (6+) as part of the league series.
Each Match will be logged and each competitor score will be recorded. The best 6 scores will be added to decide the 2011-2012 league winner on the last Match. This is to give every one the possibility to participate even if cannot attend all the Matches.
For each match the competitor will also be graded and an average grade will be automatically settled upon 6 matches irrespective of the number of matches the shooter attended.
The gradings are as follows :
Grade A shooters 80% Plus
Grade B shooters 70 - 79 %
Grade C shooter 60 - 69%
Grade D shooter up to 59%
Grading is required to promote better this sport and give chance to every one.
Because if the number of entries to a competition are adequate then prices can be set for grades and classes. Each Competition will have 2 standard classes PCP and Spring, other classes can be included.
The Nationals will be the peak of the MAAC FT season, this will be set on 2 or 3 matches that can be done in separate weekends. For one to qualify for the Malta team 2012, he/she must have at least took part in 3 league matches during the year. Others who did not participate this minimum may participate but only for the price and not the Malta Team Colors. The National Scores plus the best 3 scores from the League will be added for the TOP 5 Ranking irrespective of entry class.
The season competition schedule will be published in September and competitions will start in October 2011.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Event Programe - 2010 / 2011 Concluded.
Dear All,
The program of air rifle events for the 2010/2011 season have been concluded. The committee would like to thank all the participants for supporting our events and all the helpers that prepared for these events. The air rifle committee will in the following weeks prepare the new schedule of events for year 2011/2012.
The last event that will be organized event before summer kicks in will be the one day paintball tournament which will be held on Saturday 25th June 2011 at the Extreme Paintball Range in Ta'Qali next to MFCC. We urge all MAAC members to come and watch/support this event.
Later 4 shooters from our club will be participating in the WFTF world championships in Italy on the 2nd , 3rd and 4th of September 2011 and we wish them all the good luck.
While we wish you and your families a beautiful summer we remind you that the range time on Sundays will be as usual.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
MAAC Paintball - MOPL tournament

MAAC Paintball will organize the first Malta Official Paintball League.
This will be a 1 day league as a trial with 8 , 5 men teams in aid of Puttinu Cares.
The tournament will take place at the Extreme Paintball Range in Ta'Qali of Saturday 25th June 2011.
Each team entry fee is Euro 175 or Euro 35 per individual which will include all the equipment for players not owning any paintball equipment and minimum grantee of 8 games.
The kit includes :
Paintball full head mask.
Neck protector
Each team will be also given 2500 rounds of paint. Extra paint can be pre ordered at a special discount rate of Euro 60 per box of 2000 on team registration. Extra paint will be available on the field at Euro 75 per box of 2000 or Euro 20 for 500.
The tournament is open to team and individuals. Any one interested and do not have a team of 5 friends may register and we will couple you in teams. Age 18 + if no TS-B available then must sign forms as presented by Extreme Paintball Commercial Range.
Shooters that have their own equipment must have a TS-B shooter license and show that the marker is registered. All private Markers and Extreme Paintball Markers will be chronoed and must confirm the speed limit of 280ft/s .
The tournament will kick off a 9am and all registered players must be at location around 8am.
The estimated time to finish is 18:00 hrs. Food and Drinks will be available at the venue. General public and members of MAAC are invited to attend even if not to participate.
The aim is to attract people into this sport but in the same time to help out with Puttinu Cares campaign.
For more information please call 99445817 or 99406506.
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