Thursday, October 18, 2012


MAAC FT Competition procedures

MAAC FT competitions will follow the WFTF core rules.
Domenic and Gordon are in charge of range setup (others please give a hand).
All targets are painted yellow with black kill zone.
25 lanes with 2 target each, a total of 50 shots.
4 lanes must be positional (2 kneeling and 2 standing a total of 8 targets), all others free style.
All rifles must be under 12ftpds and .45mm caliber only.
3 minutes per lane, time starts before you sit down.
Competition fee is €5.00 per rifle, Nationals €10.
Competition starts 8:30 am sharp.

MAAC Bench Rest Competition procedures
  • 3 Categories: under 12 ftpds PCP, under 12 ftpds Springer and Open.
  • Springer under 12 ftpds will be shot at 15 meters.
  • PCP under 12 ftpds will be shot at 25 meters.
  • Open will be shot at 40 meters.
  • PCP under 12 ftpds 2 target sheets per shooter, other categories 1 target sheet per shooter.
  • 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes for each category.
  • No Nationals will be held and no league.
  • Rifles under 12 ftpds are subject to chroning before and during the competition.
  • Competition starts 8:30 am sharp.

  • MAAC HFT Competition procedures

  • We will follow UKAHFT rules.
  • 1 Category, rifles max 12 ftpds. Power.
  • No Nationals will be held and no league.
  • Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd for each competition.
  • Competition starts 8:30 am sharp.

    KMS support (if any), for Germany worlds 2013.
  • 4 shooters will benefit from the total sum which will be divided as fo
  • Points added of best 4 FT competitions + Nationals.
  • Top llows.
    • 1st place will get 35%
      2nd place will get 30%
      3rd place will get 20%
      4th place will get 15%
      Each shooter must declare that the rifle used in local competitions must be the same rifle he or she will use in Germany worlds if he or she places in the top 4.
      In the case of springer shooters, since we do not have enough shooters to create a separate division, springers will compete together with PCP’s but will be given a grace of +15% on the score of each competition to compensate the rifle disadvantage.
      Shooter must at least attend 4 competitions plus nationals to be entitled to benefit from KMS support.

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