Thursday, March 24, 2011

WFTF Worlds 2011 - Expense Estimate.

Dear Members

Below please find an estimate breakdown of expenses required for participation at the WFTF 2011 in Italy. We have no guarantees but as done previously we will apply from Travelling Funds from KMS for this year 2011. Such funds if allocated will be distributed in 2012, on issue of expense report for the Worlds 2011. If funds are then allocated the transportation costs will be reimbursed to MAAC treasury whilst the remaining will be split equally on the shooters who took the initiative to participate on their own costs.

Malta has 8 reserved slots hence if you intend participate please confirm this by Sunday 27th March 2011. First come first served basis.

Currently we have the following status:

3 Shooters Confirmed.

2 Shooter pending confirmation.

After the 27th March 2011 deadline we will proceed with bookings and reservations and we will inform WFTF Italia of the participants. There will be no grantee that other shooters can join the team.


MAAC Committee.


Expense breakdown.


Air Malta Flight KM0658 Monday 29th August 2011 Departure MLT – VERONA 13:15 – 15:10

Air Malta Flight KM0659 Monday 5th September 2011 Arrival Verona – MLT 16:00 - 17:50

Price 138.45 including Taxes per person.

sports Baggage charge for carry of weapons is 20

Total 158.45


Registration 60

Thursday Dinner 20

Gala Dinner 30

Food after Competition 15 * Optional.

Total 125


Single Room with breakfast 60/per day * 6 days = 360

Total : 360


Will be sponsored by MAAC approximate 400 euro for 4 seat MPV.

Basic total for each shooter is 643 * (Lm275)

*Estimated Lm 375 total.

*Not to including dinner or other recreational expences.