MAAC will organize the next paintball event on Saturday 24th April 2010 @ 9.00am
This will take place the the EXTREME PAINTBALL FIELD at Ta'Qali
If you are a member of MAAC and would like to join us in this activity simply contact Paul Castagna (79410076) or me (Stanley) on 99406506 as soon as possible. Places are limited to 20 persons (1st come 1st served).
YOU do not need to own your equipment to join us. EXTREME PAINTBALL WILL SUPPLY YOU with all your needs for the games. Any MAAC member who owns his own marker equipment and wish to use it must be licensed TS-B and the marker registered. Markers must be set and chronograph ed at 280 fts (+/- 10ft/s) as per MAAC club policy and safety regulations.
Prices is Euro 28 which will be collected upon confirmation of attendance.
You will get the following.
All Safety Gear - Paintball mask/goggles - Neck Protector - Chest Protector.
Over all
Marker - CO2
250 Paint balls
5 Games
(All you need to bring with you RECOMMENDED is a pair of gloves and wear strong shoes or boots.)
Extra Paint balls can be bought at Euro 3 for 50 or Euro 10 for 100 Paint balls.
Those MAAC members who own their markers and wish to use it will get a Euro 3 discount.
(Note only Paint balls supplied by EXTREME PAINTBALL Field are allowed on the field.)
If you are interested in being part of the growing MAAC Paintball team please contact Paul Castagna (79410076).