Rim Fire Class is only allowed for Shooters members of MAAC holding a valid TS-A license - Insurance and paid up club membership before MAY 2010.
Note the following instructions - (PRINT OR STUDY IF NEEDED)
1. Rim fire class is only for bolt action rim fire rifles.
2. Rim fire rifles must be carried in Gun Case LOCKED at all times.
3. Must be locked all the time until RCO orders weapon inspection in Pit number 2.
4. The Rifles must be carried with bolts removed, magazines empty and removed.
5. All Ammo in separate locked ammo case.
6. RCO will give instructions for storage of locked cases and ammo boxes until your turn.
7. Shooters must bring Ear Muffs and Shooting Glasses.
8. Spectators also requested to use ear muffs and glasses otherwise they will be asked to go out of shooting zone.
9.You must bring TS-A license document showing the registered firearm serial number and copy of your insurance policy and your club membership card.
Procedure when your number is called by the RCO.
1. The shooter number will be called by the RCO to his table.
2. The shooter will remove rifle from case and set it on the rest.
3. The bolt must be removed and shown on table flag inserted in beach opening. Flags will be provided
4. The magazine if any also removed and shown empty on table.
5. The ammo box may be opened but must be left untouched.
6. The shooter sits and wait further instructions.
7. The RCO will check all tables clear.
Procedures to shoot as given by the RCO.
1. RCO will instruct all shooters after visual comfrimation of all clear.
2. Order " Shooters Eyes and Ears" - You must wear safety glasses and head phones.
3. Order " Range is HOT" - Down Range is clear gate now is closed.
4. Order " Insert Bolts" - You may insert the bolt into your rifle after removing the flag.
5. Order " Shooters you have 30 min to complete ur card you may proceed now" - Now you can open ammo, load magazines and start shooting your card.
Procedure when u finish your card.
2. Remove Bolt check ejector and place on Table.
3. Remove Magazine check empty place on Table.
4. Check breach and magazine housing.
5. Place ammo back into box.
6. Insert flag in breach.
7. Wait till RCO orders.
When the 30 min are expired or the shooters are all ready the RCO will give the following order.
8. Order " Cease Fire remove bolts and prepare for inspection " - if already removed if not remove as steps 1 till 7.
9. The RCO will check each shooter.
10. After check RCO will order you clear table.
11. After all checks the RCO will give the order " All shooters clear Range is cold" - the down range is cold the gate can be opened and targets collected by staff. New targets will be fixed.
12. The finished shooters will case rifle and lock and clear area from rests and other equipment leaving the bench clean.
13. The RCO will call next group and loop in orders again.
Procedure in Emergency or fault.
1. Shooter call RCO do not attempt do your own initiative.
2. RCO evaluates situation first he is in command.
3. If RCO decides to stop match (example target board falls) then he will give following orders after stopping the timer.
4. Order " Cease Fire remove bolts and prepare for inspection " - remove bolt, magazine, 3 point check and flag.
5. The RCO will check each shooter.
6. Ater all checks the RCO will give the order " All shooters clear Range is cold" - the down range is cold the gate can be opened and targets collected by staff. New targets will be fixed.
7. When situation is corrected then the RCO will order " Range HOT commence firing" he will restart the timer.
8. If the problem is withing the rifle of one shooter the RCO may clear the problem and ask shooter DQ from match if he feels its not safe to continue for that problem. RCO will instruct shooter accordingly.