We have received the ERABSF and WRABF Program for this years 2nd Rim Fire and Air Rifle European Championships which is also combined with the 1st World Cup Championship.
This is certainly and opportunity not to missed by Maltese shooters with a special interest in Benchrest shooting both in Air Rifle and Rim Fire. This years event will be held in Pilzen Czech Republic between 26th July 2010 and 6th August 2010.
MAAC would like to inform you that as ERABSF and WRABF representatives we will hold qualification Matches on
Saturday 12th June 2010 - BR Nationals Round 1 Day 1
Sunday 12th June 2010 - BR Nationals Round 1 Day 2.
Hope fully we will be in position to hold these qualification matches also in Rim Fire. More info will be released in the process if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask MAAC central committee members. The aim of MAAC is to be in a position to sponsor air thicket expenses to a number of shooters that will qualify from the BR nationals. However if there are shooters that would like to participate in this event irrespective of qualifications please do not hesitate to contact us as soon as possible.
Below is the program.
26th July Registration & check air rifles & Practice day
27th Technical meeting & check air rifles & Practice day
28th air rifle
29th air rifle registration rimfire
30th air rifle ceremony and decoration of air rifle winners. dead line for registration rimfire (12:00)
31st rimfire
1st rimfire
2nd rimfire
3rd rimfire
4th rifmire
5th rifmire
6th rimfire/ ceremony and awards