MSSF-MAAC & ERABSF Bench Rest was covered today by Sports Extra on NET TV presented by Charles Camenzuli. During this TV program Mr.Savior Portelli president of MSSF was accompanied with distinctive guests from CONI (Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano) and Mr. Carlo Caricato of ERABSF (European Rim fire and Air rifle Benchres Shooting Federation.) during this TV Sprots Program. I would like to personally thank all those who contributed to this coverage on behalf of MAAC.

Mr. Carlo Caricato discussed with Mr. Charles Camenzuli the history of Bench Rest shooting. Mr. Charles Camenzuli admitted that this is a totally new interesting sports for Malta of which he had no knowlage. When Mr. Carlo Caricato was asked about the level of the Maltese Shooters, he remarked that although we (Maltese shooters) have been shooting this type of sport quite recently, he remarked that the level of the Maltese shooters is such that we can compete with other european shooters and get results. Mr. Cariacato said that he was impressed that in a relativly short time the local shooters that practice and organise bench rest (air rifle) made giant steps in this sport. NET TV also showed a very nice footage of todays air rifle benchrest competition that took place at the Victoria Shooters Range tal-Handaq Qormi.

The competition had two classes.
Air rifles Standard under 15 ftlb.
1st. David Giardina, 2nd Kris Debattista & 3rd Stanley Shaw.
Air rifles Unlimited over 15ftlbs.
1st. Dr. Mario Spiteri, 2nd Stanley shaw & 3rd Kris Debattista.

The full results and photos will be published later. (PHOTOS)
This was our last event for 2008, an event with a special cause. All the proceedings from this event will be donated to L-ISTRINA 2008 on the 27th December 2008. The sum of
€ 250 was collected and this will be presented to L-ISTRINA on the 27th December 2008.

As chairman of MAAC I think we could not have ended 2008 better. I personally would like to thank all those who supported our dream to come true. I would like to personally thank all the MAAC members of the committee, the MAAC sports commission, MAAC STAG and members , Mr. Saviour Portelli president of MSSF and his committee, The Association of Arms Collectors and Target Shooters Committee and all other who contributed to this succeess.
I wish you and your families all the best for Xmas and success for the new year.
Best Regards
Stanley Shaw
MAAC Chairman.